Streams Activities

Streams Activities

The Streams activities vary in several areas in order to provide integrated and homogeneous solutions for our customers and conform to the company’s goals and priorities.
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    Streams Activities – Development and establishment of document and content management systems and solutions.

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    Digitization and transformation of physical documents to electronic archives.

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    Digital printing and finishing products and print management services and software solutions.

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    E- Signature and digital signature systems and solutions.

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    Workflow solutions to streamline business processes

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    Document design and composition solutions and personalization of critical applications.

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    Control, manage and develop digital printing systems and link them to the digital transformation strategy of the organization

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    Consulting and specialized studies in the fields of document management, electronic printing and information development

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    Preparation, development and training of clients’ personnel resources for the implementation of the ongoing digitization process and print management services.

Streams Activities – Streams asserts that building and maintaining a strong relationship with its clients is critical to every project undertaken, as any contract is based on mutual partnership, which ensures quality and innovation in delivering its services.

Streams uses the technology required and employs it in the best possible manner, taking into account the precise knowledge of the clients’ work requirements, and accordingly recruits experienced and skilled workers to carry out any project.

Streams identifies every opportunity to achieve cost savings and process improvements, starting with the implementation of a particular project and its sustainability and works with its clients to establish a continuous improvement process after the completion of its projects.
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